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Online surveys
(formerly BOS)
Powerful, flexible online surveys
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Help & support
Frequently asked questions
How do I validate my pre-population parameters?
Known Issues
Online surveys v3 FAQ
What will my invitation and reminder emails look like?
Should I use a grid question or a scale/rank question?
How do I purchase a online surveys account?
What is a ‘slug’?
Glossary of online surveys terms
Can I save different views of my survey results?
How do I know what the URL of my survey will be?
What is validation?
How do I reset my password?
What is More info?
How many emails can I send using the online surveys email tool?
Can I change the font size in my surveys?
Error text or missing responses on the Analyse page
Why can't I delete or edit a question?
What is the Survey Contact?
What should I be aware of when using grid and scale/rank questions in my survey?
Why should I always pilot my survey?
Can the same computer be used to complete a survey multiple times?
Is there any way to shorten personalised survey URLs?
Can I filter my results using pre-populated information?
Is it possible to reuse a survey URL?
FAQ for the free 30-day trial
Is there a limit to the number of questions I can include in my survey?
Creating a customised URL using piping
How do I refresh the Analyse page?
Where can I find information about scheduled maintenance?
How do I distinguish between a question and a sub-question?
What is a page break?
How can I print my survey?
How do I change the survey status?
Can I add documents to my survey for my respondents to view / comment on?
How do I send survey invitation emails to my respondents?
What are survey messages?
What are survey redirects?
Why is my survey only open for 30 days?
How do I export the respondent list?
Can respondents view and/or print their answers at the end of the survey?
What is pre-population?
When is support available?
What is the response ID or unique response number?
Online surveys Security
Respondent anonymity and online surveys
Can the "view as separate questions" message be removed?
Who do I contact for help?
What is an ‘orphaned page’?
Is additional statistical information (e.g. standard deviation) available in the results analysis?
Can I change or delete a response?
How do I copy a survey?
Why do I get the message "0 emails sent" when sending invitations/reminders?
Why is information missing from my exported results?
How do I display all free text answers?
How do I change the survey URL?
Common problems when importing or exporting respondents
Can I recover a deleted item?
Can I make a question conditional on the answer to a previous question?
Can questions be made compulsory?
Can I restrict the type of answers respondents can provide?
How do I export responses to a scale/rank question so that the data is in one column?
What file formats are available when exporting response data?
Can I turn off page numbering?
Are survey submissions date stamped?
Can I add or delete respondents, or change respondent details, when my survey is open?
Will exporting my results affect my survey?
Is there a limit to the number of respondents I can have?
How do I construct personalised URLs for my respondents?
Can questions, answer options, pages or respondents be randomised?
How do I close my survey?
How do I know who has and has not completed my survey?
What are the key features of the different online surveys account types?
My survey has closed early and I can’t re-open it
What is a "Token"?
Can I see partial or incomplete responses?
What is "Respondent progress"?
Why is the "Finish" button on the second-last page of my survey?
My participants are seeing the message "The link you used to arrive at this page is not valid". What does this mean?
How do I change the name of my survey?
Why do I have to enter a username and/or password to preview my survey?
Can respondents edit their answers?
Can I embed a survey within my website?
Can I include responses from paper questionnaires, interviews, phone surveys, etc. in my online surveys analysis?
Why are there multiple arrows connecting pages on my survey map?
Can respondents save a survey part way through and return to it later?
How can I share my survey/data with someone else?
Can I turn off (or change) question numbering?
Can I create a survey in a language not officially supported in online surveys?
Can I edit an open survey?
FAQ for Admin users (Organisation account)
FAQ for Admin users (Project account)
How can I help a user who can’t log in?
I can’t log in to online surveys
I can’t see a survey that has been shared with me
How can I control who completes my survey?
Can I get my friends/colleagues to review my survey before I launch it?
Help & support
Administering your online surveys account
Analysing your survey
Designing your survey
Distributing your survey
Managing your user account