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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

FAQ for Admin users (Organisation account)

This FAQ is for Admin users in Organisation type accounts.  If you are an Admin user in a Project type account, please refer to our FAQ for Admin users (Project account).

How do I become an Admin user in an Organisation account?

You must be granted Admin user status by another Admin user in the Organisation account.

How do I stop being an Admin user in an Organisation account?

You must have your Admin status removed by another Admin user in the Organisation account.  You cannot remove your Admin status yourself.

What are the rights & responsibilities of an Admin user in an Organisation account?

An Admin user in an Organisation account can:

  • Add users.
  • Delete users.
  • View all users in the account.
  • See the titles of the surveys that each user has access to.
  • Change the status of users.
  • Upload account images.
  • Make payments.

Additionally, if the Primary Contact is not contactable we may refer the following queries to an Admin user:

  • Queries about the status of account renewal payments.
  • Queries from potential new users.
  • Queries from survey respondents where the survey author is not contactable.

How do I access the Admin screens in online surveys?

Sign in to online surveys and:

  1. Click on Manage at the top right of the screen (next to Sign out).  A drop-down list will appear.
  2. Click on MANAGE Your account name (e.g. MANAGE University of Poppleton).

Do I have automatic full access to all of the surveys in the online surveys Organisation account that I administer?

No.  In an Organisation account, full access to surveys is restricted to the survey author in the first instance.

If the survey author wishes for other online surveys users to have full access to their surveys, the survey author must explicitly grant the other user(s) the relevant permissions on the surveys.

An Admin user cannot override a survey author’s choice not to share their survey with other users.

However, to assist with account administration, Admin users are granted limited default permissions over all surveys within the Organisation account.  These are:

  1. Manage permissions – the ability to view the survey launchpad and delete the survey
  2. Preview permissions – the ability to preview the survey and export a PDF of the questions.
  3. A read-only view of the survey permissions list – to determine which online surveys users in the account have access to the survey.

These default permissions do not allow Admin users to edit the survey, copy the survey or access the results.  Should this be necessary, the Admin user must contact one of the online surveys users listed in the survey permissions list and request that the relevant permissions be granted.

A user has left the organisation, or is on leave and is not contactable.  I need to access their survey but they have not shared it with me.  What can I do?

If this situation arises, please contact the online surveys Support team for help.

We recommend that Organisation account holders advise all survey authors to share their surveys with at least one other user (where appropriate), so that the survey can still be accessed even if the author is not contactable.