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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

Where can I find information about scheduled maintenance?

Information about scheduled maintenance will be posted on our Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/online_surveys_ Where scheduled maintenance may result in online surveys being unavailable for a period of time, and/or we anticipate…

What is the Survey Contact?

…this and click Save. Important: A Survey Contact must be an online surveys user who is either part of the same online surveys account or has permissions for the survey….

Unscheduled maintenance: 4-5 March 2024

We are letting you know of urgent unscheduled maintenance planned for version 2 (v2) of Online Surveys from Monday 4 March at 08:00 for up to 48 hours. While the

How do I reset my password?

the Forgotten password link on the online surveys sign in screen; or Sign in to online surveys, click Manage at the top right of the screen, then choose Change password….

Why is my survey only open for 30 days?

When you create a new survey, online surveys assigns default opening and closing dates for the survey. The default opening date is the day that you created the survey, and

Deleting respondents from a respondent list

…be retrieved once they have been deleted. Even if you add a deleted respondent back in with exactly the same details, online surveys will treat this as a new respondent….

Removing a user from your account

This page is for administrators and Primary Contacts of Project or Organisation type accounts. If you want to remove a user’s access to their online surveys account, you have two…

What is a ‘slug’?

A ‘slug’ is a short label for something, containing only letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens. In online surveys, the term ‘slug’ is used to refer to the survey short name,…

Deleting surveys

…from online surveys and cannot be recovered. You can choose to permanently delete your surveys yourself at any time if you do not wish to wait 30 days for them…

Known Issues

…are not displayed. This issue also cascades to the data exports from the Analyse page. Refreshing the page will sometimes display the full set of responses. Version affected: Online Surveys…