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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

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Copying charts from the Analysis Summary

…browser: Sometimes it’s impractical to start a report from scratch, especially if you want to include most or all of the charts in the summary. We know that some of…

What is a "Token"?

…needing to enter a username/password combination. A personalised URL looks like this: https://accountname.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/surveyname?token=xxxxxxxx If you leave the token field blank when providing respondent data, online surveys will generate random, non-guessable…

Pre-launch messages

…store this data. The survey will be anonymous (unless respondents provide responses to other questions that can be used to identify them). Respondent anonymity and online surveys Question x.y is…

Setting user access levels

their own surveys. New users are given editor status by default. In a Project account, editors can access all surveys within the account; in an Organisation account they can see…