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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

Pre-populating questions

…where to add your pre-populated question(s): In the Survey builder, insert a new question or Edit an existing one. Fill in the question text and options as required. Click Advanced…

How do I change the survey URL?

The survey short name must be no more than 64 characters long and cannot contain spaces. Click Save. Your Public URL will be updated with the new short name. You…

Can I edit an open survey?

…any pages. Delete, move or copy any questions. Delete, move or copy any notes. Delete, move or copy any sections. Add new pages. Convert a question from one type to…

What is a page break?

A page break splits an online surveys page into two pages. Page breaks can only be inserted between two existing items on a page (e.g. between two questions or between…

How do I validate my pre-population parameters?

…match the text of the related question’s answer options exactly. If Online Surveys cannot match the value you’ve uploaded to an answer option in the question, the participant will see…

Setting answer options as non-applicable

…completion. Online surveys cannot automatically apply the non-applicable setting to an answer option. You must apply the setting yourself by following the instructions below. To set an answer option as…

Why should I always pilot my survey?

…is a more robust test of aspects such as routing and piping than the survey preview, and a pilot run gathers response data which you can view in, and export…

Creating a customised URL using piping

…a survey item and adding your own (basic) HTML tags. If you are not confident that you can undertake these tasks, please contact the online surveys support team or your…