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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

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Deleting surveys

You can delete surveys from your Dashboard . Single User account and Project account users can delete one survey at a time. Organisation account users can delete surveys in bulk….

Pre-population – Constraints and considerations

…answer for the question. If you do not, any affected respondents will be unable to complete the survey. Pre-populated questions are hidden only from the respondent when they are completing…

Pre-launch messages

…that some respondents are unable to complete the survey.   Pre-population – Constraints and considerations Question x.y is parameterised, hidden and mandatory. You must provide data for this question via…

Providing limited access to results data

…registered with this email address in online surveys). The user will be added to the table. Tick the Analyse (limited) box and click Save. If the user does already hold…

What is a "Token"?

…needing to enter a username/password combination. A personalised URL looks like this: https://accountname.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/surveyname?token=xxxxxxxx If you leave the token field blank when providing respondent data, online surveys will generate random, non-guessable…

Copying charts from the Analysis Summary

…individual chart images: Click on the cog icon next to the chart you want to download. Click Download chart. Save the image. To copy the entire Analysis Summary from your…