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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

Amending your user profile

…visible to Admin users of the online surveys account you belong to. Username: this is the username you use to log in to online surveys. By default, your username is…

What is pre-population?

…answers to each pre-populated question), and online surveys inserts the information when your respondents access the survey. You can provide pre-population information to online surveys in one of two ways:…

Can I see partial or incomplete responses?

…responses cannot be accessed. If you wish to know how many times your survey has been accessed but not completed, and/or you would like to know if participants are dropping…

Setting up a survey password

…you can do this as many times as you like. If you change the password your respondents will no longer be able to use the original password to access the

FAQ for Admin users (Project account)

…Admin screens in online surveys? Sign in to online surveys and: Click on Manage at the top right of the screen (next to Sign out). A drop-down list will appear….

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