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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

What is "Respondent progress"?

The Respondent progress section of the Survey launchpad provides live information which allows you to: track how many times your survey has been started but not completed; and determine on…

Adding files to your survey

…(e.g. http:// or ftp://). You can change it manually if needed. If you want your file to open in a new window, click on the Target tab and choose New


This FAQ provides general information about piping in online surveys. We recommend you read this page in its entirety before using piping in online surveys for the first time. For…

Navigating your Dashboard

When you log in to online surveys, you are taken to the Dashboard . From the dashboard you can create new surveys, find and work on existing surveys, import surveys,…

FAQ for Admin users (Organisation account)

…where the survey author is not contactable. How do I access the Admin screens in online surveys? Sign in to online surveys and: Click on Manage at the top right…

Will exporting my results affect my survey?

No. Exporting your data will not remove any information from the online surveys system, nor will it interrupt the running of your survey or close your survey. Exporting your results…