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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

Creating a customised URL using piping

…window. The HTML tags are inserted around the link text: <a href=”https://xxx.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/survey-name?x1=[BOS_CORE_RECEIPT]&xx”>our follow-up survey</a> The changes are saved by clicking OK. The link text is now underlined and coloured blue….

Screening out certain respondents

…survey as none of the questions would apply to them. There are two options for screening out respondents: Screen respondents to a ‘Thank you’ message. Screen respondents straight to another…

Who do I contact for help?

…survey contact. Alternatively, contact the Primary Contact of the online surveys account that the survey was run from. My new user activation link has expired. Have you already activated your

Creating a grid question

A grid allows you to group questions together into a table format. Grids are flexible and space saving, but can easily become complex and difficult for respondents to use. Grids…

Adding files to your survey

…a breach of your online surveys licence and reserve the right to close your account. Adding files to your survey is a two-step process. Step 1: Uploading a file Ensure…

Features not currently available in online surveys

…available in previous versions, such as routing, piping, question validation, new question types and new distribution and analysis tools. Certain functionality that previously had to be purchased separately, such as…

Sharing a survey with another user

…grant another online surveys user the ability to do so. We recommend that all online surveys users in an Organisation account add at least one other user to their survey…

Distributing your survey URL

…your survey to your respondents, both within online surveys and outside of online surveys. The survey distribution and sharing options within online surveys become available in the Survey launchpad once…

Adding a video or other media content

Video and audio material cannot be hosted on the online surveys website. However, you can embed media that is hosted on an external service, such as YouTube or Vimeo, into…