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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

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What's new in BOS?

Posted: 20th March 2015

We have listened to your feedback and several highly requested new features have been incorporated into BOS since the new version was launched in November 2014:

  • The new “Respondent progress” section in the survey launchpad shows a live representation of the progress of a survey’s respondents.  This new feature can help you identify which pages are causing the highest drop-out rates, and will also tell you how many times your survey was started but not completed.
  • Admin users can now see account statistics (including the total number of open, closed and draft surveys and the number of users in the account).
  • Note text and question text now have additional formatting options, including a choice of sizes and colours.
  • The line break (<br>) tag can now be used in question text.
  • Greek, Scottish Gaelic and Bosnian are now supported languages.

In addition, various performance improvements have been implemented.  Notably, survey copy times have been significantly reduced – the majority of surveys now copy in a few seconds.

We have also added the following Help pages and FAQs: