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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

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Controlling who can complete your survey

…Preview, you will now need to sign in as one of the respondents on your user list. This will not store any data or “use up” the respondent logins, so…

Accessing survey responses

use: Click on Save these settings at the bottom of the left-hand menu to save your display options as a “view”. Enter a name for your view in the the…

Navigating your Dashboard

…Top section of the dashboard of an Organisation account user. Top left Your surveys – “Your surveys” are: Single user account user – any surveys that you have created. Project…

Complex routing

This tutorial is about complex routing (or ‘branch-logic’) which you can use to create different routes through your survey that are the most relevant to each respondent. This page explains…

Question types

…questions are used to ask respondents to pick one answer from a drop-down list. They are a useful alternative to Multiple choice (single answer) questions where the list of choices…

Filtering survey responses

…questions from the first drop-down menu. Select the conditional statement from the second drop-down menu (e.g. “Contains” or “Is not one of”). Select the relevant answer option(s) or enter the…