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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

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Online surveys Security

…commit to achieving and maintaining a grade of at least A when tested by SSLLabs. You can view the current status at https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=www.onlinesurveys.ac.uk&hideResults=on. Data is not encrypted whilst at rest…

Glossary of online surveys terms

Term Definition Relevant FAQs or Help articles Admin user A user in a Project or Organisation account that has the ability to add and remove other users. FAQ for Admin…

Creating accessible surveys

for some user groups. It should be possible to complete surveys without the use of a mouse. Respondents can tab between questions and submit surveys using only keyboard input. Similarly,…


What is benchmarking? A benchmark is a standard against which something can be measured. Benchmarking in online surveys involves comparing your survey results against the results from other matching surveys,…

What is pre-population?

…questions can be the easiest to use for pre-population because they will accept almost any answer. However, free text results are not displayed in bar/pie charts in your analysis, cannot…

Upgrading or downgrading your licence

Upgrading During your licence term The Primary Contact can ask the online surveys support team to upgrade their licence at any point. The support team will create a pro-rata payment…

Launching your survey

…are likely to use (for example, assistive technologies, mobile internet, less common browsers or IT systems). The best way to check these things is to thoroughly pilot your survey. Simple…

Using piping in your survey

…your survey. Check and test your piping. Troubleshoot your piping. Terminology Throughout this page, the terms ‘source question’, ‘anchor’ and ‘core variable’ will be used. These words have the following…

What is a ‘slug’?

…of letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens. NB: The use of the term ‘slug’ in this context is likely to refer to prior use of the term in the printing industry….

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