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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

Managing users

…list. Find a user. Edit a user. Remove a user. See which surveys a user has access to (Organisation accounts only). Access the user list To access the user list:…

Selection list questions

…allowing respondents to enter an “Other” answer: this adds an additional box that allows respondents to add their own response if none of the suggested answers apply. More info: Use…

Multiple choice (multiple answers) questions

…formatting and hyperlinks. Enter a list of possible answers. You can enter the first answer in the Add answer option box, and select the plus sign underneath to add further…

Question types

…When a respondent selects an answer, all other choices are automatically deselected. The list of answers can be presented vertically or horizontally. You can also include an ‘Other’ option to…

Survey access control

…of a respondent. Anyone in possession of a valid username/password combination or personalised URL (that has not already been used to complete a survey) can access a survey and provide…

Adding files to your survey

…must be below 10Mb in size and in one of the following formats: .pdf, .doc, .xls, .ppt, .csv, .html, .txt, .docx, .docm, .dotx, .dotm, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xltx, .xltm, .xlsb, .xlam,…

Customising invitation and reminder emails

…account types. Full instructions for activating and using the online surveys email tool can be found on our Help page “Inviting and reminding respondents using online surveys“. This page explains…

Navigating your Dashboard

the current list of surveys (allowing for any filters currently applied) as a CSV file. Shared surveys – Where a user in another online surveys account has shared a survey…

Upgrading or downgrading your licence

…renewal date, the account’s features will be downgraded. For details of our different licence types visit our Features and pricing page or contact the online surveys support team at help@jisc.ac.uk….

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