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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

What is validation?

…be accepted. Date and time questions Start and/or end dates and times. Scale/Rank questions The minimum and/or maximum number of answers a respondent can select per row and/or per column….

Deleting surveys

You can delete surveys from your Dashboard . Single User account and Project account users can delete one survey at a time. Organisation account users can delete surveys in bulk….

Pre-launch messages

Pre-launch error messages and warning messages are displayed at the top of the Survey launchpad. Error messages An error message can be identified by a round icon and pink background….

Providing limited access to results data

If you are a member of an Organisation account, online surveys allows you to provide limited access to results data to other users. This may be necessary or desirable where…

What is a "Token"?

…needing to enter a username/password combination. A personalised URL looks like this: https://accountname.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/surveyname?token=xxxxxxxx If you leave the token field blank when providing respondent data, online surveys will generate random, non-guessable…