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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

Deleting surveys

…from online surveys and cannot be recovered. You can choose to permanently delete your surveys yourself at any time if you do not wish to wait 30 days for them…

Pre-launch messages

…store this data. The survey will be anonymous (unless respondents provide responses to other questions that can be used to identify them). Respondent anonymity and online surveys Question x.y is…

Providing limited access to results data

If you are a member of an Organisation account, online surveys allows you to provide limited access to results data to other users. This may be necessary or desirable where…

What is a "Token"?

…needing to enter a username/password combination. A personalised URL looks like this: https://accountname.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/surveyname?token=xxxxxxxx If you leave the token field blank when providing respondent data, online surveys will generate random, non-guessable…