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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

Amending your user profile

…is up to date. Job title, Telephone number, Mobile number, Personal website: These details can be different for each institutional account you are a member of, if you wish. Complete/amend…

FAQ for Admin users (Organisation account)

…where the survey author is not contactable. How do I access the Admin screens in online surveys? Sign in to online surveys and: Click on Manage at the top right…

Editing a launched survey

…going ahead. These include, but are not limited to, the following: Some changes, such as editing multiple choice answer options, will affect existing responses and may result in lost information….

Multiple choice (single answer) questions

…to make any changes to it, click on the Edit question icon. To move, copy, delete or convert it, click on the Question actions icon. Optional settings and advanced options…

Adding an image

…entering a pixel width in the Border box. For example, typing in the number “1” will create a 1-pixel wide border, “2” a 2-pixel border, and so on. Use the…