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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

Sharing a survey with another user

organisations. If you are not a member of an Organisation account, or you wish to share your survey with someone outside of online surveys, please see our FAQ on sharing…

Why should I always pilot my survey?

…so only a few examples will be provided here. Does your survey take too long to complete? Are there any firewall-related issues that prevent your respondents from being able to…

Pre-populating questions

There is a known issue with pre-populated question settings. Visit our Known Issues page for more information. As well as asking respondents to fill in information about themselves you can…

What is pre-population?

…answers to each pre-populated question), and online surveys inserts the information when your respondents access the survey. You can provide pre-population information to online surveys in one of two ways:…

FAQ for Admin users (Organisation account)

…all of the surveys in the online surveys Organisation account that I administer? No. In an Organisation account, full access to surveys is restricted to the survey author in the…

Amending your user profile

…visible to Admin users of the online surveys account you belong to. Username: this is the username you use to log in to online surveys. By default, your username is…