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Formatting text in questions, notes and messages ADVANCED

It is possible to format the text in the following items:

The format of the text in other items (e.g. answer options, grid row items and page titles) is fixed and cannot be changed.

To format the text in one of the above items, edit the item and use the buttons on the toolbar at the top of the editor to apply the desired formatting.  The example toolbar shown below displays all of the available formatting options.

Question text and ‘More info’ text have limited formatting options and consequently the toolbars for these items contain fewer formatting tools.

ckeditor full

Example text editor toolbar showing all available formatting tools.

List of formatting tools

The table below outlines what each item in the toolbar does, and whether these options are available in the question text and ‘More info’ text editors.  All of the formatting tools listed below are available in the Note text and message text editors.

Item What it does Question text? More info text?
B Bold Makes text bold. Yes Yes
I Italic Makes text italic. Yes Yes
sub Subscript Turns text into subscript – e.g H20. Yes Yes
super Superscript Turns text into superscript – e.g. 10-6. Yes Yes
bullet Bulleted List Inserts a bullet point list. No No
number Numbered List Inserts a numbered list. No No
quote Block Quote Indents the text from the left margin. No No
clear Remove Format Removes all formatting from the selected text. Yes Yes
image Image Inserts an image. Yes Yes
link1 Link Inserts a link. Yes Yes
unlink1 Unlink Removes a link from the selected text. Yes Yes
paste Paste from Word Pastes content from Microsoft Word. This function may be blocked by your browser’s security settings. Yes Yes
table1 Table Inserts a table. No No
line Horizontal Line Inserts a horizontal line No No
character Special Character Inserts a special character, for example:  ¿ No Yes
undo Undo Reverses the most recent action. Yes Yes
redo Redo Repeats the most recently undone action. Yes Yes
para Paragraph Format Formats the text into one of 4 heading formats. No No
size Font Size Changes the size of the text. Yes Yes
colour Text Colour Changes the colour of the text Yes Yes
embed Embed Media Embeds media hosted on external sites. No Yes
source Source Allows you to view and edit the HTML.  HTML editing is limited, to ensure consistent cross-browser behaviour. Yes Yes

Formatting tables

To format the borders, backgrounds and size of the cells in your table:

1. Select the relevant cells, then right-click the table and select Cell > Cell properties.

Tables menu

2. Make the needed changes and click OK.

Cell properties dialogue box