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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

Setting your survey’s completion options

…Respondents who use this option are taken to a page giving the survey’s closing date and a ‘finish later’ URL. They can use this URL to return to the survey…

Editing a launched survey

…Other changes, such as adding new questions or radically changing question text, may make the existing response information confusing or misleading. Online surveys does not keep a log of changes…

Comparing responses from several surveys

…you wish to compare. Locate the survey you wish to use as the base for your comparison and click Analyse. On the Analyse page, click on the Advanced tab and…

Deleting surveys

You can delete surveys from your Dashboard . Single User account and Project account users can delete one survey at a time. Organisation account users can delete surveys in bulk….

How do I change the survey status?

There are four options for the status of an online survey: – Draft surveys have not yet been launched. – Scheduled surveys have been launched but the opening date is…

Providing limited access to results data

…limited view to the user. Note: You can apply one view to multiple users, but you can only apply one view per user per survey. You cannot apply multiple views…