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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

How can I share my survey/data with someone else?

…other user. Users in Organisation accounts can share their surveys and results with you using the Survey permissions functionality. Sharing surveys and results with people who are not online surveys…

Will exporting my results affect my survey?

No. Exporting your data will not remove any information from the online surveys system, nor will it interrupt the running of your survey or close your survey. Exporting your results

Launching your survey

…are likely to use (for example, assistive technologies, mobile internet, less common browsers or IT systems). The best way to check these things is to thoroughly pilot your survey. Simple…

Piloting your survey

The best way to check a survey before its official launch is to pilot a full version of it. This ‘dry run’ of your survey allows you to test all…