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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

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What is pre-population?

…questions can be the easiest to use for pre-population because they will accept almost any answer. However, free text results are not displayed in bar/pie charts in your analysis, cannot…

Online surveys Security

…commit to achieving and maintaining a grade of at least A when tested by SSLLabs. You can view the current status at https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=www.onlinesurveys.ac.uk&hideResults=on. Data is not encrypted whilst at rest…


…from structurally or textually identical surveys, to identify similarities and differences between the survey results. This could be used to, for example, benchmark employee satisfaction survey results within a single…

Providing limited access to results data

If you are a member of an Organisation account, online surveys allows you to provide limited access to results data to other users. This may be necessary or desirable where

Glossary of online surveys terms

…name. Users in an Organisation account can share views with other users. Can I save different views of my survey results? Zero index When coding results data, to zero index…

How do I purchase a online surveys account?

…account to test out online surveys functionality before purchasing an account. 3. Organise the appropriate payment method A Single User account can only be purchased by credit card. Project and…

Creating accessible surveys

for some user groups. It should be possible to complete surveys without the use of a mouse. Respondents can tab between questions and submit surveys using only keyboard input. Similarly,…

Using piping in your survey

…question that you want to use as a source question (i.e. a question that will have its answer used later on in your survey). A source question must be one…

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