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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

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Online surveys Security

…commit to achieving and maintaining a grade of at least A when tested by SSLLabs. You can view the current status at https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=www.onlinesurveys.ac.uk&hideResults=on. Data is not encrypted whilst at rest…


…either over time or across institutions. What are the advantages of benchmarking in online surveys? We have 10+ years’ experience supporting national benchmarking surveys. When you carry out benchmarking in…

Glossary of online surveys terms

…anonymity means that a person’s identity cannot be determined from the response information held in online surveys. The anonymity of online survey responses ultimately depends on the survey design decisions…

Scale/rank questions

…respondents must scale or rank before they can continue. Maximum number of rows that can be selected: Here you can specify the maximum number of row items that your respondents…

My survey has closed early and I can’t re-open it

…a survey that has reached its maximum responses unless you change or remove the maximum responses number. The Maximum responses number is found in the survey’s Distribution settings, under Survey…

Free text questions

…longer answer unless a maximum character limit is also set (see below); the size of the box will merely suggest the appropriate length of answer expected. Maximum number of characters…

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