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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

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New feature update: bulk permissions and response start timestamp

Posted: 25th June 2018

We’re continuing to make enhancements to Online Surveys based on feedback from our user community. Here’s a couple of changes we’ve made this week:

Bulk permissions

If you’re an Organisation account user, you can now add users to your Survey Permissions page in bulk and apply permissions for multiple users at once.

To add multiple users to your Permissions list, follow the ‘Bulk add users’ link on the Survey Permissions page.

Add each username on a new line in the text box and click ‘Add to survey permissions.’

You can apply permissions for more than one user at a time by shift-clicking [SHIFT+LEFT MOUSE CLICK], a column header.

Response start timestamp

You can now see when a respondent started their response, alongside the completion time. This is displayed in the response record in Browse Responses.

We’ve also included it as an export option. This adds an additional column with a date/time stamp for each response.

Be a part of our community

If you’d like to join our community of users and suggest future enhancements, please sign up here.