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New feature: Alternative charts for analysing MCMA questions

Posted: 8th October 2018

We have introduced a new way to analyse Multiple Choice (Multiple Answers) questions. There will now be two different chart types to choose from.

New default chart: “Bar chart (multi answer)”

As a default, the charts displayed for your MCMA questions will display the percentage of respondents who selected each answer option.

For instance, in the example below, five respondents have answered the question. Two of the five selected ‘Desktop computer’ – equating to 40%. All five have selected ‘Laptop computer’ – 100%.

“Bar chart (single answer)”

You can switch to the old style of chart by selecting the cog icon for that question and selecting ‘Bar chart (single answer).’

This chart displays the the percentage of selections across all answer options (adding up to 100% across all options).

In the example below, although all 5 respondents selected ‘Laptop computer,’ this is calculated to be  41.7%, as it is taken as a percentage of all the answers selected.

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