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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

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Jisc online surveys upgrade update

Posted: 4th August 2022

Further to my update earlier in the spring, I am pleased to be able to provide you further details of the forthcoming launch of the new online surveys platform.

Whilst we are unable to provide a definitive date at this time, we anticipate a full roll out of the service towards the end of the calendar year. Over the coming months, we look forward to providing you with regular updates and guidance to prepare for the launch.

As always, if you have any questions regarding the upgrade, please contact us through help@jisc.ac.uk with “Online surveys” in the subject line.

Initial user testing complete

We would like to extend a huge thank you to all of those who have been involved in the initial user testing and user experience interviews. It is extremely important for key users to provide an input in to the development of the service and your feedback has helped us immensely.

Whilst the testing and user experience interviews are all complete, this was only for the initial and earliest version of the platform. Before the launch, there will be further enhancements and improvements based on your feedback, and we look forward to inviting more users to have their say during future testing cycles.

If you have any questions, specific to the user testing,  please contact os.testing@jisc.ac.uk and our project team will respond in due course.

Suspension of new account registrations

In support of the platform development and to ensure the smoothest of migration processes, we will suspend the registration of new accounts from August. This means no new trial, single, project or organisation accounts can be created until the launch of the upgraded service.

Please note: the addition of new users to an existing organisational or project account will not be affected and can be undertaken as usual by account administrators.

Good housekeeping

In September, I will provide you with information regarding cleansing of accounts; from verifying email addresses to removing old surveys. It is always good to build this in as a routine and ensures quality data management. If you have time before our next update, please use it to begin tidying up your accounts and reducing the need to migrate obsolete or erroneous data to the upgraded platform.