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Tag: validation

What is validation?

Posted: 9th February 2016

Some of the online surveys question types allow you to set restrictions on the answers, such as what type of answer or how many answers a respondent can provide. These restrictions are set in the Advanced options of the question editor, and where these restrictions can be applied you will also have the option to “Show […]

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Free text questions

Posted: 12th May 2014

Free text questions are typically used to allow respondents to give information, such as their name or email address. They can also be used to ask for people’s opinions, or to provide them with the opportunity to explain a previous answer. However, before allowing respondents to enter large amounts of text, think about how you […]

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Date/time questions

Posted: 1st May 2014

This question type asks respondents to enter a date in the format DD/MM/YYYY and/or time in the format HH:MM. If respondents have Javascript enabled in their browsers, they will also be able to enter the date using a date picker calendar. To create a date/time question: In the Survey builder, decide where you want to […]

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Scale/rank questions

Posted: 19th May 2014

The Scale/rank question type can be used to ask respondents whether they agree or disagree with a number of statements, to rate items on a scale, or to rank items in order of importance or preference, for example. With this question type you can create: Unipolar rating scales Likert scales Semantic differential scales Ranking questions […]

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Can I restrict the type of answers respondents can provide?

Posted: 22nd May 2015

Yes. To restrict answers to dates and times, you can use the date and time question types.  You can allow any date or time to be entered or set a date and/or time range for these questions, to restrict answers to dates or times within a given period. Alternatively, there are a number of restrictions […]

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