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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

What is a page break?

A page break splits an online surveys page into two pages. Page breaks can only be inserted between two existing items on a page (e.g. between two questions or between…

Accessing benchmarking reports

…the Analyse page, click on the Advanced tab and select Benchmark survey. At Select comparison group, choose the group you would like to benchmark against, then click Select. You will…

Deleting respondents from a respondent list

…be retrieved once they have been deleted. Even if you add a deleted respondent back in with exactly the same details, online surveys will treat this as a new respondent….

Removing a user from your account

…on the survey, they will not be able to perform any actions on the survey. It is therefore important to ensure that, where applicable, surveys are handed over to someone…

Adding a new user to your account

…processes to invite existing online surveys users to join your account. This won’t take away access to their original account, but simply gives them the option to access either account….