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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

Piloting your survey

The best way to check a survey before its official launch is to pilot a full version of it. This ‘dry run’ of your survey allows you to test all…

Launching your survey

…know how to access it. You can: send out or publish the Public URL through your usual channels; distribute personalised URLs using the inbuilt email invitation tool; share the survey…

Removing a user from your account

…account, the survey author is the only user who holds full permissions on a survey in the first instance. The survey author must explicitly share the survey with other users…

Providing limited access to results data

…the other user should not see. If there is no need to restrict the information that another user can see, and you just wish to share your own customised reports…

Online surveys Security

…more information see the section of this FAQ on Backups. Business continuity The online surveys service runs over two availability zones in AWS (within the Republic of Ireland) in an…