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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

Why is my survey only open for 30 days?

When you create a new survey, online surveys assigns default opening and closing dates for the survey. The default opening date is the day that you created the survey, and…

Deleting respondents from a respondent list

…be retrieved once they have been deleted. Even if you add a deleted respondent back in with exactly the same details, online surveys will treat this as a new respondent….

Editing a launched survey

…Other changes, such as adding new questions or radically changing question text, may make the existing response information confusing or misleading. Online surveys does not keep a log of changes…

Adding a new user to your account

…can do this themselves once they have activated their account. Note: You can also use the above processes to invite existing online surveys users to join your account. This won’t…

Piloting your survey

The best way to check a survey before its official launch is to pilot a full version of it. This ‘dry run’ of your survey allows you to test all…

Multiple choice (single answer) questions

These question types are easy to set up and are the most frequent type of question in online surveys. They allow respondents to pick just one answer from a list…